About Us
Revolutionizing the transportation system through AI and the principle of transparency.
Our Story
From manufacturing to brokerage, we are a family of supply chain managements, from Restaurant to bologna manufacturing to shoe manufacturing, we understand how important transportation is, keeping cost down or missing a shipment could hurt all those hard work that you’ve done, that’s why we are a family of Logistics, helping customers means we are helping other family members just like ours for a hassle free transportation.
Our Approach
Transportation is one of the most competitive business our there, while companies negotiate price, at the end, it’s your product that’s sitting on the deck and waiting for negotiations to be done and a truck to be send to finally pick up the products from your business. We cut everything short and make sure a truck is there to pick everything up on time. It’s within our company that a story is written, to our customers is nothing but smooth transactions and transitions.
Fun Facts
We’re a fast growing social enterprise creating job training and career opportunities for individuals living with mental health challenges. We’re proud to present our stats below.
Happy Clients
Completed Projects
Team Members
What We Do Best
A conscious team creating mental health social impact through transparency in transportation.
“After being a part of multiple transportation companies and helping them grow multimillion dollars in sales, innovation in technology was the next step”.
“As a technologist, I saw the blueprint Arouti had envisioned and supported in the development of this very new way of business to consumer model.”
“As a business strategist, I saw Arouti’s vision as one redefining and ridding of an antiquated system. Transparency is the key to innovation.”